We provide porcelain veneers in NE Calgary that can hide imperfectly shaped, sized, coloured, and textured teeth behind a gleaming surface. They’re a versatile and flexible alternative to orthodontic treatment and whitening products to resolve shape, sizing, spacing, and discolouration issues to quickly transform a smile.
Porcelain Veneers Near You
Veneers are thin shells custom-designed and custom-made to fit onto your teeth to transform their appearance. Porcelain reflects light in a way very much like your natural tooth material. This is important so that your veneers will not appear unnatural compared to the rest of your teeth. Porcelain also has the important advantage of being very resistant to stains that undermine your appearance. Veneers can cover one or several otherwise healthy teeth with which you’re dissatisfied and change their colour, shape, size, and length. Small and subtle changes to the colour, shape, size, and length of teeth can dramatically and quickly transform your appearance and smile.
Two appointments are usually required to obtain veneers in NE Calgary, AB. The first appointment will involve taking measurements of your teeth to provide the information needed to craft a custom-fit veneer. That custom-fit veneer will fit your existing tooth but alter its characteristics to achieve the appearance you are looking for. Once the fit and desired result are determined, we will ensure that the colour and shape of your veneers blend naturally with your other natural teeth, and the shape of your gums, lips, mouth, jaw, and face. Finally, your dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel to allow your new veneers to lay comfortably and securely on the underlying tooth.
During your second appointment for veneers near you, we will do two things. First, we’ll confirm that the custom-made veneers fit properly and will achieve your goals before bonding them securely. Once that has been confirmed, we will bond those veneers to your teeth so securely that — with careful attention and maintenance that we will explain — they will last for as long as 15 years.
Three Highlights of Veneers
- Veneers in NE Calgary, AB transform any or all of these characteristics of your teeth: colour, shape, size, and spacing
- Not every cause of discoloured teeth can be treated with whitening. (Discolouration caused by trauma, medications, and infection, for example.) Veneers near you solve those discolouration issues.
- To preserve the life of your veneers, avoid habits like chewing on pencils or your fingernails.
Please contact us if you’re looking to receive porcelain veneers near you.