7 Symptoms of Tooth Decay You Should Watch Out For

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7 symptoms of tooth decay you should watch out for

Tooth decay is a common problem that can lead to serious dental issues if ignored. It often starts small and gets worse over time, but symptoms of cavities are easy to spot if you know what to look for. Being able to identify these signs early can help you avoid more painful and costly dental procedures.

Let’s explore the key symptoms of tooth decay; they matter for your dental health.

1. Tooth Sensitivity

Have you ever encountered a painful sensation when consuming hot, cold, or sweet food or drink? This is referred to as ‘tooth sensitivity’ and is one of the first manifestations of a cavity forming. Tooth enamel is the protective cover, and if this is thinned out, the layers that are sensitive and painful are exposed. These layers respond to heat and sugar, creating pain. If sensitivity settles in and does not go away, it suggests that a cavity is being formed.

2. Visible Holes or Pits in Your Teeth

Another type of damage from tooth decay is tiny holes or pits that develop on a tooth’s surface. Even if you try, it may time to see them in your back teeth. The same is true for the pits between teeth. These can be detected during routine dental checkups. This would enable your dentist to fill the cavity before it causes too much harm.

3. Dark Spots or Discoloration on Teeth

Dark spots or brown patches on your teeth can indicate a developing cavity. But what are dental cavities exactly? Cavities are areas where your tooth has been weakened by bacteria, and over time, cause discoloration. These spots may not be painful at first, but they are a sign that decay is progressing. It’s a good idea to have a dental checkup at the earliest to halt further harm to your teeth.

4. Pain While Chewing

If chewing food causes pain or discomfort, this could be a sign of deeper tooth decay. When the decay reaches the inner layers of the tooth, it can irritate the nerves, making eating painful. This is usually an indicator that the cavity has grown and may require a more involved treatment like a filling or crown. Don’t ignore this 

symptom, as it could lead to more severe problems with dental infections.

5. Bad Breath or Unpleasant Taste

Do you notice bad breath that doesn’t seem to go away, no matter how much you brush or floss? Or perhaps there’s a strange taste lingering in your mouth? These could be signs of decay-causing bacteria in a cavity. Bacteria trapped in the decayed areas of your teeth are hard to reach with just brushing, which is why dental checkups near you are essential. A professional cleaning or filling can remove the bacteria and get rid of the bad breath.

6. Bleeding or Swollen Gums

Decay in the areas surrounding the gums, known as the gumline, can trigger gingivitis, resulting in swollen or bleeding gums. This can sometimes indicate a gum disease, known as periodontitis; this occurs due to the large cavities under the gums. In cases where gums bleed regularly, more so after brushing and flossing, it may be important to consider a dentist for the underlying problem.

7. Constant Toothache

One of the later signs of tooth decay is toothache. This occurs as the decay reaches the pulp cavity, the tooth’s central chamber, containing blood and nerve tissue. The discomfort can be stabbing, thudding, or nagging. Either way, it means the cavity needs attention. At this phase, a quick filling may not suffice. There may be a need for further dental treatments, such as a root canal.

Don’t Let Cavities Get Worse – Act Now!

If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to see your dentist as soon as possible. At Temple Dental Wellness, we are experts in protecting your smile and maintaining your dental health. Whether you’re experiencing the early signs of decay or just need a routine checkup, our experienced team is here to help. If you’re looking for a dentist in NE Calgary, we’re just a call away!

Book your appointment today and protect your teeth!